Thursday, January 23, 2014

Preschool Shape and Color Recognition activity

Teaching the toddlers and preschoolers colors and shapes is not a daunting task. Their little minds are like sponges. So take every chance you get to teach them colors and shapes through activities and daily tasks. For instance, I point out things and ask, "What color is that?" or "Can you bring me a red car?" They might not know how to say their shapes and colors but the first step is recognition. Today's shape and color recognition activity was such a success I am giving myself a pat on the back. It was so simple to set up and it turned into multiple opportunities to learn.

First I got some bristle board and cut out different shapes. I used square, circle, triangle, rectangle and star. I got the kids to color the shapes in with different colors. That was activity #1. Then I proceeded to cut out the shapes. At the back, I wrote in French the shape and color of the cutout. My daughter is learning French so why not let her in on the fun. Woot for activity #2.


Then I used masking tape and made different shapes on our floor. I yelled out a shape and they had to stand on the shape. Activity #3 was a lot of fun. When my daughter gets home from school, I'll yell it out in francais.
After we used the colored in shapes to ask the kids where each shape goes, "Where does this yellow circle go" and they proceeded to place it on the floor where the circle is. Activity #4 was so successful. Rectangles and squares can be confusing but in time they will recognize the difference.

And finally, I got some colored blocks and lined them up and handed out the cutouts so they can place it with the proper colored block. Activity#5 was another fun color activity.
Now that we have these little cutouts, we can play everyday and learn at the same time. Have fun kids!

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